there's no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn

Word Count: 400

In Character

Kai had known his purpose in the place he had once called home. He was to succeed and gain the rank his brother had, through whatever means (and likely having to do with their whore of a mother), stolen from him. That was why he had gone to battle against his own blood, and now he had been left to suffer alone. Now he had no faith except the idea of finding a new purpose in the man before him. He was a beast of blood and flesh and power, and this was something that Kai found incredible. There had never been a time before when such might had made itself known to him—not his former alpha, not his absentee father, not any man that he could recall. This was something new and spectacular. Something he suddenly and entirely intended to follow, regardless of the cruelty in those eyes or the bared and yellowing fangs.

Kai’s body remained completely still, though he felt a shiver run up his spine upon feeling those burning blue eyes run all over his body. He wanted the man to see that he was not simply a runt run off for nothing. His body, while having lost weight, was not without mass behind it. The arctic heritage had done him well, and when he regained the lost mass he would be a force to be reckoned with. At the mention of war, twin impulses reared their heads. War was a frightening and unknown world to Kai, something that his pack had never faced and he, in his two years, had only heard of in passing. This was the weaker of the two impulses, shoved aside by the sudden and forceful need to prove himself. If he had to draw blood, if he had to kill, he would do so in order to gain whatever it was that took him to become mighty. “I can take orders,” he said quickly. “I’m not a very experienced fighter, but I can learn. I can do whatever you need me to, sir.” Though his eyes remained glued to the snow in front of his nose, Kai wanted so very badly to be able to look back up and see the man circling him, to read his face and implore him with those baby blues to make sure that the man knew everything he was saying was the truth.

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