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I want something good to die for
He is so cute!

To make it beautiful to live
Faolin had awoken that morning and left her two children curled up amongst themselves while she went and hunted. The girl was able to catch two rabbits and a squirrel, she would only eat one for now and save the others for later. Now, she was back at the den entrance and peeked inside two see Talitha squirming about trying to get out from under her brother's weight, waking Ezekiel up in the process. Faolin smiled fondly at the two and her tail swished back and forth over her back.

"Come on out here," she cooed to the two and instantly both their heads shot up. Faolin had started to get them out more and more as spring was arriving quickly and she did not want them to miss a moment of it. Spring was one of her favorite seasons and it just so happened Ezekiel and Talitha would be old enough to possibly remember it next year. The two little piles of fur made their way to the den entrance, poking their noses outside. Faol yawned, but it was abrupt, the scent of wolf was on their territory and she did not like it one bit.

The red queen peeled her lips back in a snarl a low growl rumbling in her throat as she stepped over her two children, crouching low, hovering over their two bodies while her tail swept them closer to her. It was not long before the figure of a child came into view, lightening slightly she shook her head. They should know not to trespass, but the child did not seem harmless, and there was no way Faolin would be responsible for his death unless he attacked first. Ezekiel and Talitha huddled closer to Faol whimpering and whining at her feet wondering what was wrong.

"Wolf, you are on claimed lands, did your mother not teach you not to trespass? The borders are clearly defined," there was a certain coldness to her tone, but it was not threatening in anyway. First she had her own pups to worry about, then she would figure out whether this pup here knew any difference. "If you are here to cause trouble, I will have to chase you out. But if it was an accident, let's just not let it happen again," the warmth that was usually there filled her voice again and she smiled at the young boy. He was not harmless at all and even if he did attack she had the strength and power to over take him easily.


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