Winter White

WC 507

There was something about the first snow fall for pups. It was exciting for them, a new experience ten even the days before had brought. The last winter he had spent in Crimson Dreams the pack had a feast and exchanged presents. He often played the music Savina had brought for him. A small smile played on his lips as he recalled that evening. The large hall, his grand piano and the feast he had been cooking up n fires all day. The different meats spread out ever so nicely and the excitement on the pups faces. This winter they had not celebrated together however, He had made a few trips to Halifax finding odds and ends for Aro and Sophia. A few days ago he had relieved to the pups his pile of goods: stuffed animals, blankets, balls, and random accessories including hats, scarves, ties and necklaces for their entertainment. He had watched his two pups play all afternoon and well into the evening to his pleasure and satisfaction. Sophia had taken claim to a tie, she hadn't stopped wearing it yet, except when he demanded she take it off while sleeping. Best to prevent hazards. However, all in all it seemed that the winter just made Aro and Sophia quite happy.

Mati's own warm welcome made him smile more. She had grown into a beautiful wolfess. He was proud of her in his own right. Jazper had watched her and her siblings grow up before his eyes, making him feel quite old though he was just under a year older then her. The thought made him begin to wonder if she had found a male of interest yet. His pondering did not last however as the brown hues lady ran from his side only to call to the pups and hide behind a snow bank leaving the male rather confused. The two pups were enjoying themselves, ignoring the two adults only to take in all of the white fluffy stuff. Aro was running circles around his rusty colored sister while Sophia was rather more concerned with why the wet stuff was so cold. Their play time was cut short as the wolfess they knew as Mati ran past them and behind a pile of the fluff calling to them. Sophia giggled with glee as she started with little hops behind the structure while Aro took the situation more seriously making large fast paced steps until he too was hidden. “Why are we hiding from daddy? Why is this stuff so cold and wet? Where does it come from?” The questions came stampeding out of Sophia's little muzzle. The black pup stared up at Mati, “Why you holding the white stuff?” His concern clear in his voice as he still was not convinced the little white specks where not spies of sorts. Jazper remained standing alone, tempted to follow after the pups but his amusement and curiosity got the best of him. The two needed to interact with others, to work as a team.


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