it's trouble and it's in our road

SSWM 508

It was unclear to Haku what the cause for that burning anger was. There was no such thing as two identical monsters. They bore on their religions, their beliefs and their complexes. Gabriel was a monster hidden behind a deep religious faith. Corvus had been devoured by his own ego. Haku represented insanity. He saw things that he was not supposed to see. He saw the departed souls return in their failed attempts to hunt him. No, he had swallowed them whole and they could only stare at him with eyeless sockets painted in red. They were damned and they were his forever until his immortal body crumbled and was finally eaten up by the decay. Larkspur spoke of paths and Haku followed that understanding. They all had their own paths that they were supposed to follow and that should be respected. What was upsetting was the attempt to gain the wintery coat that symbolized goodness and purity. That was wrong. It was wrong for a black man with potential black in his heart to strive for something like that. Haku still did not realize why he seemed to care so much about this, for other monsters never listened. Although they were all kin through darkness they shared few bonds and they walked their lonely roads in quiet solitude. That was how it worked.

He did not understand the oddly coated man’s split path, but this was because it was something he could not understand. The black man’s voice continued and the Dahlian male picked up a name that he remembered well from the past before salvation had reached him with its black fingertips. That line had carried darkness in its original form, but the impressions he once had had of the D’Angelo line had been lost as he had seen potential wither into nothing. Misery had been dark just like her lovely daughter. Haku still did not know that the girl’s fate had been sealed by all eating fire. He imagined her spread chaos somewhere in the world. Addison and Naniko held no potential in their hearts and he had actually doubted whether or not it was the same D’Angelo line. The earthen toned male’s focus returned as the male revealed that fur could be made black. This was true. Haku had never gone further than to let dark coal disguise the warm hued colour of his fur, and this had been only so that he could travel willingly through the lands and find victims to kill. There was no interest in attempting to change his colour because this was his one and only true pelt.

”It would be nothing but an illusion,” Haku replied with some distaste. ”It would be foolish,” he added, his shortened tail whipping through the dry air. It was much easier though. He did not imagine Larkspur would ever reach his goal of becoming white like a cold moon. It was such a shame how a pristine coat had been ruined for such an odd purpose.

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