Whether mice and men have second tries

Uhhm, I could not remember if they were supposed to tattoo here and now, or not. x_x But if not, we could say Kae did it OOC? I would like to roleplay it out, so maybe we could have another thread after this one? :O IDK UP TO YOU TALK TO ME ON AIM YOU. <333 928.

The coyote woman had never had a mother beyond the vaguely warm thing she remembered in her early weeks and the terrifying beast she'd known for some weeks after that. It would seem that Delphine had suddenly snapped, unable to care for her children—perhaps suffering some form of canine post-partum depression or something similar. Either way, whatever had befallen her mother's psyche, suddenly that caring warmth that had goaded Kaena from the womb and into the light had ceased to be so caring and warm, and one by one, the coyote woman's sisters fell beside her, still and cold after a while. Were it not for Andre, her loving and wonderful father, Kaena Lykoi would have befallen the very same fate as her sisters.

Still, she had been a good enough mother for her own lack of motherhood—at first it had completely baffled her, and with Kerberos and Maeryn she was at an utter loss, dealing with the shock of losing Zulifer and Zarah in the same span of a few weeks, the shock of being a single, lone mother atop a shakily formed clan that was coming apart at the seams even then. Who could have blamed her for leaving back then? The silver-furred woman had tried to act in the best interest of her children, leaving them on the nearest pack's border, but she had not counted on Maeryn following her. Thinking of the girl even now hurt Kaena; it was a daughter she'd never know, a daughter who looked eerily like her mother—unlike all of Kaena's other children, a model after her very mother. The closest was Razekiel, but even then there were subtle differences, a darkness of his coat and a difference of his rusty-furred face, more like a mask than a stripe as Kaena's was.

After that Kae had been a good mother, or at least she'd given it her absolute best effort. Perhaps Gabriel and his siblings would have turned out better if she had been able to reconcile her differences with Ahren; perhaps Samael and his siblings would have turned out better if she had not isolated them so. The coyote woman couldn't even ponder over Andrezej and Arkham and Rachias; the woman did not know them. After all... maybe Kaena was not such a good mother. Half her children might never return, and one had been killed by his very sibling. Another's life was taken by Kaena herself. How dare she call herself a good mother—Naniko, despite her ignorance where cigarettes were concerned, was an example of a good mother, the epitome of everything Kaena might have aspired to be one day. It was too late for her now.

The coyote turned her head to watch the pallid wolf light the fire with interest; she had a similar setup in her home for lighting fire, but she preferred the ease of matches. It was not always easy to catch a spark with the flint and steel, though Naniko had a fire blazing rather quickly. Warmth radiated from it, and the hybrid woman sighed contentedly, thanks radiating from the comforted look on her face. This was truly living—it didn't matter whether or not Naniko was a wolf anymore. The woman was a friend, and her species simply did not matter. Here Kaena was surrounded by the woman's children, trusted enough to be around them. Their very presence was comforting to Kaena in ways beyond that which she could express, and as the pallid D'Angelo turned toward her and delivered a surprising compliment, the hybrid's ears went half-mast, perhaps the canine equivalent of a blush.

"Thank you," she said bluntly and rather stupidly, not sure how to react beyond that—it was not often that she was complimented on her appearance, and the smile that came to her face was rather happy. "Oh, they sound like any other kids," the hybrid said, sharing a motherly smile with Naniko. Puppies could certainly tug hearstrings, but they were needy little things and they could be extremely taxing. "Motherhood has its ups and downs. Thankfully, they're worth it," the hybrid beamed, the tip of her tail flickering in a brief wag. One of the puppies settled down right on her leg, sitting and looking up at her with a rather pathetic few yaps for attention coming from the girl. The coyote leaned down to pick her up, noting the pup's healthy size. She was the biggest of the litter, and Kae grinned with delight as the girl snuggled in between the hybrid woman's leg and the chair, her bright eyes glancing around the room, occasionally giving little wriggles of excitement at her strange surroundings.

The coyote watched as the other canine improvised a drawing implement, her golden eye watching with interest as the pallid canine made swooping lines, her hand gripping the charred stick a bit awkwardly, scratching out a few of the designs until she had one that she liked. As the wolf passed the drawing over to the hybrid and explained it, the coyote nodded, familiarity dawning on her upon looking at the symbol. "This looks quite doable by me. It's not too complicated, which is good, 'cause I am not so good," the hybrid said with a short laugh, shaking her grizzled head. "But it is a symbol not too different from the chaos star—curvier, yeah, but I can manage," the hybrid said confidently, grinning toward her friend. Cotl's recent training would certainly help. "When do you think you'd like to do this?" the hybrid said.

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