In search of materials

Writing from work - I love my job ;D Word Count: 513 - SoSuWriMo

Dawali smiled, satisfied with his own effort and glad that Ty was still interested. He'd been told that he could be a drag when explaining things, always using too many words and saying too many things at once, confusing the student and making them lose interest. It seemed he was not doing that today, and every time anyone he taught something seemed to manage to hold on to their enthusiasm the Chief was glad. He believed that knowledge was the key to lead a good life; craving it, obtaining it, keeping it alive and at all times sharing it. He was not so selfish that he would keep his experience from others, nor was the history and wisdom passed on from his ancestors his to keep a secret from the world. It had to be shared, taught and revered, else how would anyone survive after them? The land they spent their short lives nurturing was a gift to their children, and there was no room for selfishness then.

He made a good listener, the stranger, and as the Kalona went on explaining the workings of the little device (for it was, though it looked simple, in reality quite complicated) he found himself carried away. The bow was not his own invention, nor was the arrow, but during one summer his uncle had taught him how they worked and how to build them. A master craftsman, the male had undoubtedly known a lot more than he taught the then quite young Dawali, though that piece of knowledge had served the Chief well throughout his life, and still did. Hopefully, the old uncle was still alive and well somewhere, where his two daughters kept track of the old tribe. He rarely thought of his family, but when it came to the things he knew in life there was no ignoring their influence. The Chief's face was mild and his hands gesticulated carefully, controlled, as he spoke of the workings of the arrow. Perhaps Ty wanted to know how to make a bow as well, though that was not something Dawali could teach him here and now. Suitable materials were not around, but they were abundant in the village, for Dawali had collected them. Acting on impulse, he decided it would be good to have a friend in every pack, and Ty seemed like someone he could easily be friends with. Pausing a moment after finishing his explanation, he smiled brightly before continuing with his offer. "Of course, an arrow isn't much use without a bow. 'Can teach you to craft one of them as well if you want, but I can't do it here... No good materials, see?" His hand swung outward as if pointing towards all the bits of rotten branches that littered the ground, all unfit for a bow. No, he needed something young; sturdy, yet flexible. It would have to be able to sustain the strain of use over and over, to bend out of shape and back again. No easy task for something as rigid as wood, Dawali had always thought.


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