A manamanaman!

SSWM 751

In Character

Although lyrics were streaming through his mind as he loudly hummed away, only a few words were released into the air. He had several times realized that no matter how wonderful some self made songs sounded in his head, getting them out into the air and forming them into the same words and melodies dancing about in his head was a very difficult thing to do. It was all in the making and he was not expected to have the whole symphony ready until he had become the star on the battlefield. His song was nowhere close to the finish line and never would come closer unless it received the truthful voice of a master singer who had lived the song. That was his main purpose here. Without his song he would not be able to get the life he so strongly desired. Females generally held a high status in the clan the male came from and the most beautiful of them all just had to be the alpha pair’s daughter. His voice was brilliant when he sang out with heart and soul present, but he lacked the truth in his words and he could not reach her. The singers were a peaceful people, but in pursuit of happiness Ceval had travelled far and wide to create a true song powerful enough to make him worthy of Leyah Tranqui’s heart, soul and song.

Although peace was never-ending in the land of Singers, he knew that his restlessness would settle with his future mate. Boil bubbled with excitement to see conflict live and breathe her, oh boy! They would know the worth in his song when he was to return, and oh boy wouldn’t it be glorious! Originally Ceval carried no hate for his wolfen brethren, but it was very easy to go with the flow. Coming from the lands of peace as he did though, he had to wonder about the open loath from creatures that held a large percent of mixed blood in them. That made them more kin, not less. It was not the coyote male’s right to judge such things though, because this was their reality and their home. He had a home back in the valley of Song and although this was not desired way to find your heart song, this was definitely the way to retrieve true quality once it was found. He could not be exiled or declined for the dark shadow that would have touched his soul, for he had broken no rules by joining a battle far away from his fellow singers. He would be somewhat tainted, but his voice would be so pure that they could not deny him when he was to return.

Amber eyes found an approaching creature and his loud hum lessened in strength so that he would be able to listen to the pleasant introduction that he knew was on its way. The man sat down without the formal greetings that were required for strangers’ first meeting. Ceval’s humming rose in strength for only a moment as he felt confused, but he quickly reassured himself with the obvious fact that his ways were not their ways, oh boy! This was so exciting! Though remembering to be aware of differences, Ceval’s hum rose to imitate a confused whine when a sour voice demanded what he was going on about – yes, the other coyote even used a swear word at him. He lowered his upset tones and looked the guy over with sincere puzzlement. Different he could handle, yes, but why was the other being so rude when it was clear that he was developing his heart song? ”Humm-humm,” the sandy coyote greeted and nodded rhythmically with his muzzle. When he realized the other was not about to follow his dipping muzzle he titled his head and wondered if he had done something really wrong to be met with such hostility.

Oh boy, remember differences, differences! ”To find my song; to find what’s wrong; to find my voice I know is somewhere insideee ahummm,” the man revealed while allowing words to dance along the melody that he constantly hummed on almost every awaken moment. It was the usual explanation if some failed to pay close enough attention to recognize the not fully developed rhythm and melody that belonged only to those that not yet had found their voice. He was so close to finding a true and rare voice, oh boy, oh boy!

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Table credit: Sie

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