You know I'd do anything for you

<333 :3
SSWM - 707


The moment Anu had visited Savina; she had thought it was a chair she would be retreating to. But instead she longed to feel the form of Colibri against her chest, know the soft fur and the warmth she radiated. Longing for the moment where it would all return to normal, the second that the two would not longer be running from the Dahlia monster and be at peace, together. And even since they had returned safely Anu simply believed they were still running and hiding from the Dahlian leader, running from the truth and the fears. But the fact had been laid before her friend, truth known and secrets no longer hidden. But because she left so often and had roamed so much Anu could not say she knew what Coli thought, their words so brief and nothing beyond necessity. Had she even told her how glad she was? How her life was no longer incomplete now that her rank was below the Crimson Dreams title, that they no longer needed to travel great lengths to see each other’s face and they needed not fear the ramification of her departure of Dahlia de Mai. All of that had passed, all of that experienced and experienced well. Were they not allowed to simply enjoy each other’s company? Anu felt it was time no long hide behind a fear of breaking the woman that she loved any further.

The wolfess pulled the covering, up and away so her lean form could slip beneath. The bed with warm against her night chilled fur, but the body that shared the blanket was searing with heat as she slowly and gently moved towards it. The female awoke, her eyes blinking with sleep and her nose reaching out to touch her shoulder. It was then that Coli coiled before he chest. The cold of her body began to melt, a hand slowly touching the woman’s neck and simply exploring the line that led to her ear. She almost needed to feel to make sure it was true, to make it known that Colibri was not some fragile creature, so delicate to even the silver toned wolf’s touch. Finger trailed down her face, freely tracing the soft lines of her cheek and jaw. Tentative and gentle, but no longer fearful her touch allowed the sleeping heat of her body to flow into the chilled figure of Anu. Thawing quickly, she breathed in the scent of her and noticed all to well as the other moved away at the sound of her words.

Of course. Anu had been distant and as the new Dreamer spoke there was an apology on her tongue. Wrongfully. This was not her fault, not did it fall to Anu completely but she was whiling to take it and happy to do so. Happy if the cream and brown wolfess would be with her, entirely and completely. Happy to share her home and give Colibri the protection that she deserved and needed. She had missed her, but it was the distance the Lt. General had created that was the cause of her loneliness. Her breath was held, but instead of allowing the silence to continue, Anu allowed her hand to touch Coli’s face. Her nose drew close, eyes closing in a prolonged blink as she spoke softly.
“No,” the single word was a plea, though she had wished to sound strong, wishing to always be strong for her.
“I love you.” Anu stated, her voice slightly stronger and yet no louder then before. She opened to eyes to meet two that held her sky, the air she breathed and the water she drank. Every bit of her survival.

The woman took a breath, remembering that breathing in the scent of Colibri was the same as taking the first breath of life. It was drowning in emotions that went nameless and at the very same moment breaking the surface and taking in that denied oxygen.
“It is not your fault.” She ended, wishing that she would believe her though in the past it had been hard to make her understand that Anu loved her fully and the troubles of her past were hers as well, but had been taken up willingly.


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