Things Unknown

SSWM 335

The simple reply caused the man’s lips to draw upwards in a smile that no primitive wolf would offer another unless there had been unease and challenge in the air. Haku was not who he wanted to be either, but perhaps this reluctance with this world was because they did not want to accept his chaotic ways. To a degree he could understand this, but that did not mean that he accepted it in any way whatsoever. The world belonged to him and the sooner people were to realize this and accept what could not be refused then better would it be. They kept insisting on prolonging the inevitable, but this was okay because he liked playing these fun, fun games. The man gave a court nod and decided that there was no reason to attempt to treat the white man as anything else than he was. He silently wondered if the man’s instinctual ways were because he was untainted by werewolf blood. Would he then risk his new minion’s loyalty by introducing the sickness to his system? It was necessary for the upcoming conflict though.

The young male crawled pathetically in total submission and he thought it a shame that he would have to turn on his own member anyway. Teeth flashed and blue eyes searched for the best location to pick on the man’s body. He knew little of how the shifting ability spread from creature to creature, but he knew that exchanging liquid could do the trick and Minos was too simply too primitive for this world he lived in as he was now. It did not matter where he hit. ”Do not be afraid.”The Rosen moved swiftly and lashed out for the white male’s biceps with hungry teeth that found their aim with ease and sank down into flesh where the fur on the man’s limb was thinnest. He did not bite deep, but he did go down into the large muscle.

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