sleeping with the enemy
ooc: OMG.. I can't stop laughing. Jac is so horrid.


If there was one thing that Jacquez knew how to do it was feed the flames of her anger. Emerald orbs flashed dangerously once more as he began to speak, trying to act as though he was innocent and sweet. She would be buying none of that now. Her orbs narrowed as he had the nerve to ask just what he had done. The woman shook her head in disgust as she huffed. "What do you think you've done wrong lately?" She could think of a whole string of things but there was one that stood out nice and clear in her mind. How greedy the man was to believe that he could dictate Ruri's life and rule her as though she was a slave. Her fingers itched to strike the man full in the face as her eyes smoldered.

There was a moment of silence between them as she could hear nothing but her blood pounding through her veins, it taking a moment for her to realize that Jacquez attention had already seemingly found another place to wonder. When his eyes began to roam and found themselves upon her form she didn't even stop to think as she did indeed attempt to lay her palm across the king's cheek. "You chauvinistic pig!" She snapped, her other hand coming up quickly to flick the one that was playing about her face. He didn't seem to be bothered in the least by her anger and he should be, at least she believed so. Looking from the inside out she had no idea how often her little temper got the best of her and just how silly it became after a while. It probably would have amused her as well if it had been another throwing the hissy.

She growled as she realized what the last words he'd spoken were. Her eyes narrowing again as she just dared him to take another step further. "There will be little chance of that if you continue to walk the line you've been walking!" she snapped as she turned her face away from the man. Why must everything be a game with him she thought, she knew she had only herself to blame for that, having played and flirted her way around with the king. She jerked her head back quickly as she shot back, "They day you start wanting pups underfoot will be the day you deserve me in your bed!" Knowing that that would probably douse his desire for the time being she glared some more at the male, wondering if she had to beat him upside the head with an iron skillet to knock some sense into his airy little head.

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