You find out who your friends are



OOC stuff here


Blind eyes danced across the frigid landscape as the silver and ivory lautari followed her friend's scent towards the Chien Hotel. He was close by, she could tell. However, as she neared the large building she quickly realized that the scent was leading her past it and towards another nearby destination. Plumed tail flicked behind her absentmindedly only to quickly remind her of the presence of her small feline charge as he leapt up and swatted at her tail, landing a faint hit on his target. With a quiet chuckle under her breathe Ruri turned her head over her shoulder to address the fluffy kitten,"Good job, Soleil, your aim is getting better," she commented, not knowing whether the feline understood her or not. Indeed the only thing the feline understood was that Ruri was saying something nice to him to which he replied with a loud purr before continuing in his game.

Having caught the scent of her friend once more, the fragile collie-dog padded forward past Chien hotel. The king's scent only grew in strength with every few steps she took. Her pads, though reasonably acclimatized to the chill were now beginning to go numb which led Ruri to increase her pace to a brisk trot. Although, she was careful to go just slow enough for Soleil to keep up. She didn't want him getting lost out here in the snow. With any luck the both of them would reach wherever Jac was staying in a minute or two. Then perhaps they could get out of the cold for a moment.


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