steppin' up the production line.
[html] ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">Powerplay, let me know if it should be changed
@&#&$His ears twitched at the sound of his cousin's voice and his casual stroll came to an immediate halt. He turned and offered a weary wave and a dip of his head to the commander, his own tail wagging lightly behind him in turn. Without him even calling for it, it seemed as if Gabriel would make good on his promise to help with the greenhouse. "Yeah; I took a trip down to Halifax the other day for supplies... quite a haul, you should see it." Even unassembled the multitude of parts and tools suggested much work and thought had been put into the project already. It was one of several things that suggested, despite the turbulence, that things would sooner or later fall into place. Of course he was anxious to see it in its final state, but for now progress was progress and he'd take what he could get.
@&#&$On the subject of Alacrity he hesitated, as he was a little less certain. In theory things would be fine. Tomorrow. He hated not knowing for sure, but Shaila's delivery was outside his realm of control. If the woman magically found another source or simply stopped caring and stole off into the night, he'd be no better off than he was two days ago. "She's all right I guess," he said, gaze falling to the ground. "She ain't built for this weather," he said, although he doubted it was necessary. Her coat was paper thin compared to their thick double-layer fur; it really wasn't any wonder she'd taken to holing up in the den almost exclusively as the average temperatures dipped below freezing. "I've got a hunch it'll all work itself out in the next couple days though," he offered, the glint in his eye suggesting greater forces were at work than chance alone.

@&#&$"But hey, man, I was just about to grab some paper and a marker if I can find it. Shouldn't take long; I'll meet you out back?" he queried, assuming this time would afford Gabriel a chance to shift in privacy if he so desired. Once the doggish man gave him the go ahead, he turned with a nod and continued along the snow-drifted walkway to the front door. He slipped inside quietly, the only sounds to be heard the soft tink of his keys and the fainter click of his nails against the hard tile floor. In no time he was in the old Lord's library, sifting through the contents of a solid oak desk. After securing the items he'd been looking for, he found his way out back as promised and glanced around for Gabriel.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +442

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