When it rains
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SSWM 1257

Ears folded backwards in quiet wonder when he reacted to her words. Suddenly one of the German male’s wristbands was off and offered. Slowly, almost reluctantly she grabbed it and took a closer look, though her heart continued to sink for she quickly realized that matching this would be harder than she had originally thought. The worn piece was soft in her hands and she stroke the black leather slowly and let a claw carefully trace around one of the studs. Salmon tongue quickly leapt over her dark lips and then she lifted the worn leather and smelled the quality. These definitely had to be old and she was rather surprised it still was as soft as it was. As to mimic the style, she was clueless, though she would definitely try to create something similar just to switch into a new and harder style. She would definitely attempt a bit rougher look with jewellery that could fit males. She had never truly thought of trading before. She felt foolish for not realizing the worth of jewellery that she had simply thrown away or ruined simply because it had not fitted her immediate wishes for charms. She still had quite some in her drawer, though she knew with certainty that nothing of what she currently owned or had made could fit the man’s hardcore bold style. She slowly nodded as a silent answer to the question or perhaps suggestion rather to attempt to mimic the wristbands. It would definitely only be a mimic alright, but the girl was well willing to try it out. She could sit for hours and hours without getting anything done at all, and to refresh and broaden one of her oldest skills was not looked down upon. In fact she welcomed it and just smiled as the male suggested that if not then perhaps she could find something in Halifax that she could trade with.

Of course they would have to trade. She had actually made a necklace for Kaena Lykoi in exchange for the chaos star on her chest, though she doubted that Kaena would have withdrawn her offer to tattoo her grandchild if she hadn’t had anything to offer. In a land without currency trading become important, but the girl had never realized this until now. She felt inspired to travel over to Halifax and gather valuable objects now. She looked up at the male and just smiled, though wondering if she should be bold enough to ask him if it would be alright if she borrowed one of his wristbands for a little while. She never usually kept the skin when she killed her prey. It was all merely devoured on the spot and whatever she did not eat was left behind for lesser scavengers to feast on. Now she found that she regretted wasting all those lovely furs and skins. She would have to take down an animal and work with the skin. She imagined it soft, though she would then prefer a larger mammal so that she could preserve some of the brain mass so that she could soften the skin later. Halo took pride in what she created and she would have to refresh her knowledge how to make great quality leather before she was to figure out how to dye it black without damaging the skin or lessen the original quality. Her thoughts were spinning away from the present as she imagined the process of making a similar leather wristband the one in her hand. Brilliantly white studs could be made with worked bones, though she wondered if it would suit his style that well. His piercings were mostly metal – if not all of them, and she wondered if studs made out of bones would be sufficient. If not then she truly would face a large problem there.

The male spoke and she remembered that she had shown some polite interest in his horse. Yes, the horse at the tattoo he had talked about. He had already started to walk and the girl followed as she tossed a quick glance out of the window and saw that the rain did not fall as heavily as it had the last hours. Good timing then. The door was left open for her and she slipped out and pushed the door gently shut behind as she hurried after his hybrid form. Rain tickled the fur in various shades of copper and for a moment she felt appreciation rather than annoyance for the falling liquid. There were few things Halo loathed more than being soaking wet though. As she came to the shed’s entrance she slowed down greatly, suddenly not feeling comfortable with the fact that she was about to see a large animal whose hooves could be deadly if the animal kicked and aimed well. She slipped into the small building, but made sure to stay close to the wall as she eyed the large creature with Cotl holding reins attached to the animal’s face. It was larger than she had suspected though compared to other horses it was not amongst the largest kind. It was still too enormous for her liking, though she did not fear it. Halo could also be deadly and she was the horse’s natural enemy. It was food to her, and this idea of keeping it as some sort of pet still struck her as odd, though she assumed there was a reason why he kept it around. She was impressed by its looks though – this she could not deny. Ears flattened fully and she froze somewhat as the horse only showed curiosity and stretched its neck out towards her to familiarize itself with her scent. What an odd creature; not fearful of its natural predators at all.

The skull on the horse’s face covered a large area and the female could not believe that this was an actual tattoo. She looked over to the male with some confusion in her ruby eyes, wondering if she had misunderstood him. She remembered how her chaos star had burned. It had not been pleasant at all, and she had heard that some areas hurt more than others when doing a tattoo. She imagined the area around the horse’s face would hurt like hell. ”Are these paintings or real tattoos?” the girl asked. If it was a real tattoo then she had to get to know how he had managed to make the animal keep still as he had worked on it. Her rodents were obedient, but they shed away from pain despite the intention behind it and she would always wish for full control over her small rodent minions. Also, if this was his work then she would see how skilled he was. Although this was again a design that she would never have chosen, she could appreciate the quality behind it and revel at the masterpiece. She pushed slightly away from the wall and leaned towards the animal to take in the animal’s scent in a similar way as when it had ‘greeted’ her. She did not realize this, but her expression had gone from uneasy to beaming once again. It was excited to be so close to an animal that was designed to run away with wolves this close. The horse seemed to hold no fear at all and she wondered if it was stupidity or intelligence behind that fact. She cocked her head, adoring the creature and the marks given by its master.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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