I sing my song because I love, p

SSWM 860

In Character

The golden coyote’s song was soaring high above and out of reach, but he could see it plain as day now. He was slowly drawing closer and revelling at the joyful knowledge that he would soon have reached his goal and found his song at such a young age. The usual journeys were known to take several years, and here he was – soon within the reach of one of the mightiest voices and he had barely been about for a few days. Still there was so much to be done in order to create perfection, but he was eager to get ahead and start to weave his soul and heart into beautiful music that would burst into life when his strong voice would share it with the world and with the woman that he intended to make his mate. Brilliantly white and so pure – she was one of a kind and she had been so young when she had discovered her melody. It was up to the males of the Singer clan to prove their worth through their melodies, but the average singer could never reach an alpha daughter’s heart. Ceval would and he would make her soft, pink eyes gleam with emotion when he would sing for her the masterpiece created by heart and soul and the rare conflict called war. Oh boy, oh boy.

Originally Ceval Acissej was a peaceful creature with no grudges or stereotypes. He did not loathe his enemies, for they were all creatures of the earth and Gaya sung through them all with messages of love and peace for her children. So few listened though. The coyotes of Inferni were deaf and heard no songs in their silent hearts. Ceval had been devastated when meeting the coyote that had asked a question with a swear word when he had been practising his song. It had saddened the amber eyed man to discover the lack of music in the lands, but he would do anything for love, even partly ruin his soul in the pursuit of his own, special tune. All he could see in the future was her silky white pelt and her beautiful ruby eyes. Ah, oh boy, yes her eyes. He had encountered several crimson eyed canines after receiving the Inferni tag above his head, but her eyes oh boy they were the softest red imaginable. Not truly red, rather pink and glimmering like the ocean bathed in the most brilliant sunset. Amber eyes were absent as he wandered closer and closer to the pack borders that he was supposed to hate and avoid when walking on his own.

His thoughts were filled with Leyah and her beauty and not of war and ugliness. Even as he wandered by their borders he failed to understand that this was his enemy. What did that word truly mean anyway? In the land of Song the singers had known no borders and peace had embraced every creature. Conflict could not exist because they all were part of the same song and the same stories. They were mother earth’s children and they were the same and they sang their songs to her to honour her and the beauty she allowed them to be a part of. Ceval, unfortunately, did not understand the full purpose of such clearly marked borders. The coyote that had first found him trespassing on Inferni land had not been pleased with his intrusion, though no issues had truly rose because Ceval had sought membership there. There were two people at war, but they carried no specific names other than their pack’s name. He could understand personal misunderstanding and yeah even small conflicts, but not war. It was foreign to him, and this was exactly why he had to be a part of it. He would return to his homelands with new tunes and a foreign and beautiful song filled with shivering melancholy that would melt Leyah’s ice cold heart and turn her rose gaze to him finally.

He would finally be seen oh boy and appreciated oh boy, oh boy, oh booooy. The man hummed brightly and took a few dancing steps into the unknown Dahlia de Mai pack as his amber eyes closed and saw silky white fur and rose hued eyes that loved him. His heart was beating with love and harmony and he hummed away as he always did – for he was one of the singer people and his throat seldom remained silent as long as beautiful sound, rhythm and melodies could be created. His throat vibrated and expanded and his tune rose in intensity as he cried out his hidden heartache now when he was miles and miles and miles away from the singing lands and his love. She did not know it yet, but she was to be his and she would finally learn to adore him for the beautiful song that had not yet been created in his heart and his soul. The male was next to blind as he dimly walked further into the forbidden area, entering the north-eastern borders of Dahlia de Mai and putting his life in danger.

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Table credit: Sie

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