Generation to generation

Really sorry for the wait, I had to study for exams. Now that I've rocked them, I'm back in business!

"Huh," he looked the other wolf up and down before giving a slight nod. "Cross Valiant. I guess that makes sense, then." He looked back to Valentine's eyes. "I was a friend of your dad's, back when he lived in the Storm territory. I haven't seen hide nor hair of him in a long time, though, it didn't occur to me that he'd had kids." He wished that meant something, but as well as they'd gotten along, the two of them hadn't shared great adventures to tell over the fire or any such thing. They had fought and (miraculously) killed a bear once, but that story was a sad one more than anything.

"Not a lot to tell, I'm afraid, but it is a strange coincidence. He went to Syemv after our leader died in the drought, and I didn't really hear back from him after that point. I'm glad to hear that he and his family avoided all that fuss." For his part, he wished he had been there that day, he'd had friends in the pack that could have benefitted from his participation. He probably wouldn't have turned the tide himself, one warrior in a pack that doesn't want to fight can't do too much, but making Inferni pay for its ambitions would have at least created a sense of justice, for them to lose some of their warriors as blood price for the puppies they killed.

"So, I guess that since Aremys disbanded, you couldn't exactly return to the pack of your birth. I'll assume by your smell that you've been living in Jaded Shadows, what made you choose to live there?" Other than its second leader, who he knew nothing of save that a name and that she had obstinately taken the side of the wolf murderers rather than the perceived coyote ones, he had nothing against the pack, and was on friendly terms with Tayui. The question was more a matter of curiosity than anything.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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