I am a question to the world
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v368/ ... etable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
You can knock him about if you want though, that I don't mind. Maybe a cut/scar here or there. c: this table also way does not fit the thread lmao

The coyote lunged at him, causing the redhead to yelp as he hopped out of the way last minute, feeling the breeze of the beast passing him. The lupine form felt familiar to him, but his experience in fighting with it was minimal. Remembering his childhood helped, after all the days he spent rough housing with Zachs. Then he had tumbled and rolled with his older brother. There had been no point in it then for the redhead, but he was sure now it was done in order to prepare a wolf for battle. Was it an inevitable fate for any beast that nature gave life to? Why was it so? Humans were not born knowing war, not all of them at least had been. Many had been oblivious, unaware, and even unsure of. Why was it that his kind grew up to do? Strel refused to believe it were true. Though he had to admit, all that tumbling prepared him somewhat for this.

"Leave me alone!" he cried, getting rather annoyed at the coyote. There was still fear there yes, but the fact that this coyote insisted despite his pleas and promise of leaving was annoying to behold. He wanted the coyote to stop, but it seemed he had to avoid the attacks as best as he could until the other got bored or Strel managed to get the upper hand. The latter was, of course, laughable. Like hell Strel would get a foothold in this fight. He was not even standing on all four feet on a ground of his choosing. He would be happy to survive with even a bite.

There was something wrong with this coyote, but Strelein did not care; whatever weakened him helped the redhead. That was good. His fear was slowly beginning to ebb and his confidence began to grow minute by minute. Maybe he could attack this brute?

The coyote came at him, shoulder crashing into the redhead and he went flying back a bit. He was off his legs though, so he had to scramble to get up in time in case the coyote went for the soft flesh beneath his throat and underneath his belly. Strel growled, surprising himself. "I said, leave me the hell alone!" he hissed out, baring his teeth at the coyote. He lunged, fangs snapping at whatever was in the way of his teeth. Most likely he would miss, having no skills in the art of combat.

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