It's a snake
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SoSuWriMo 440


The Soul boy reminded Haven of himself, or at least who he had been before his own little world had been shattered and everything he had known and believed had been thrown into question. Staying in such a juvenile mindset could be detrimental at older ages, but he saw no harm in Emwe being the way he was now, or even for a few more months. What was wrong with having an extended childhood? He wished that his had lasted longer than the seven months it had for him. His had even begun to deteriorate before then, it was just the major breaking had come at the seven month mark. All in all the Cour des Miracles member found it admirable that the younger male was still so carefree and open to all the possibilities of the world, even if they were fantastical. It was for this reason that he tread somewhat carefully with his responses. The last thing he wanted to do was to tell Emwe that he was wrong and instruct him in the right of things. That would just be plain mean. He only wanted to give the other some information while keeping the pathways of his imagination open.

“Well, not all birds, just the larger ones that actually eat meat. You know, like hawks and falcons and eagles. Those kinds of birds. Snakes can eat the smaller birds that only eat seeds and stuff but the bigger birds with the huge talons can eat the snakes.” Now that he said it aloud it was a bit of a strange pattern. But predatory birds didn’t just eat snakes, they’d even eat other birds. Now that was a slightly disturbing fact. It’d be like him or Emwe going off to eat a coyote or something and that was just messed up, no two ways about it. The world could be such an odd place with odd realities. As for the problem of the birds not getting poisoned by eating the snakes, Haven did have an answer for that. “I think you can only get poisoned if a snake bites you. The poison is only in its mouth, like its fangs or saliva.” Did snakes even have saliva? Well, that he wasn’t sure of, but he was certain that you couldn’t get poisoned by eating a snake, as long as you didn’t eat the head. It was funny for him to be on the receiving end of the types of questions he had thrown at adults when he was younger. Maybe it was for that reason though that the hybrid was so patient and willing to continue the conversation.


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