A letter of old, a search for a white wolf
The young warrior-wolf was out on his own, finishing a small hunt. He had been a little hungry today, so he had ended up hunting and killing a small rabbit for a snack, the blood was now still caked on the fur around his mouth. The rabbit had given him a challenging run as it darted left and right switftly, but because of Ty's youth and skill, he was able to nip it by the butt and end up breaking one of it's legs, allowing Ty to land the killing blow. Now that he had caught his breath again, he began to wipe away at the blood using the snow on the ground, allowing the cold wet material to wet his fur enough to simply allow the blood to drip off.

That was when the howl kicked in, and Ty's ears immediately flicked toward them as his brow furrowed, who was that?T This howl didn't sound like anyone he knew, though that in itself was hard to identify anyway. Curious and suspicious, he decided it would be in his best interest to investigate who was behind the howl, which caused his plodding along to lead him thorugh the woods once again. He loved the woods more then traveling in the clearings, although the clearings made it much easier to find out where to go, as it gave Ty a sense of security for some reason. With all the dead leaves and foliage that are usually out during any season but winter, Ty is fully hidden by it, allowing him to usually slip by things he would not want to confront, such as a bear or puma, things that would get into a fight with himgiven the chance. the forest was a safe place for him, it was just one big security blanket in his opinion.

When he finally found the person responsible for the howl, he said nothing. It looked like the others were asking the questions, so he didn't have to say anything. He couldn't help but notice that the newcomer smelled familiar, like a smell he once knew, but now couldn't pinpoint. Was this a wolf he met before? Was she someone who had dealings with the Valley, or even moreso himself? He silently looked at the newcomer with indifference and waited for her explanation.

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