trifold presentation

Word Count: 336

In Character

Kai’s own brother had tried to point out his flaws—the fact he couldn’t hunt very well, for one. Still, this was nothing as compared to his brother’s constant babying. Their mother had always considered him the favorite, to the point she cleaned his fur! Who did that, honestly? They were two years old, it wasn’t like they were helpless infants anymore. Oh the very thought of it made Kai sick to his stomach, horrified that he had ever been related to such a spineless, wormy wolf. Even when his brother had tried to fight him (and he had managed to strike a blow, scarring the high part of his thigh) he had cried for their mother, who like the doting bitch she was jumped right in without question. It was horrifying and frustrating and oh man oh man they were sick!

They locked eyes, and in that moment, Kai’s lips pulled back at the corners of his mouth in a smirk. He had managed to hit a nerve. Wonderful. Guess Mister Fantastic wasn’t quite as awesome he thought he was after all. The fact he was getting so defensive about his mother made Kai wonder just what the hell this guy’s problem was. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t have possibly not had a mother. Even Kai knew how sex worked. But Sic seemed to think otherwise, and to prove his point, as Kai passed him, suddenly jerked and rushed towards the two year old. Of course, Kai had been expecting something, and the sharp motion was enough to get his muscles moving. The boy rushed out of the way of the blow, and ran a good several yards out of reach from his companion. “Whoo!” He barked, laughing loudly. “Strike a nerve there, momma’s boy? What’s a matter, she ugly or something?” Another loud, barking laugh broke from his chest, and playfully, as if it was a game, Kai dropped his body into a play-bow, tail wagging like a taunting flag above his rump.

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