trifold presentation

Word Count: 301

In Character

The fact of the matter was Kai did see this as a game. If it had been anything further he would not have taunted and played, cat-like, with his companion. He would have turned and rushed headlong into battle, taking out his opponent quickly. Sicarus no doubt had the size advantage, and by all accounts the skill, but Kai was younger and not blinded by anger. He was acting purely on instinct, playing as he had with his brother long before they had finally fallen out in a mass of blood and vicious words. Besides, this was fun! If war was anything like these sorts of games Kai was elated for it. He’d just need to bulk up, and learn how to fight better, because this wasn’t combat. It was something far more basic.

At the shout, Kai’s tail wagged furiously. Boyishly, his tongue lolled out of his mouth, and as the darker man made his advancement, the coils tensed in Kai’s legs suddenly released. He moved with the speed and dexterity of a two year old, not missing a step, not failing for the unfamiliar ground under his feet. He rushed nearly headlong towards the other Gazon, and only when he was in arms reach did he cut wide, using his tail like a rudder in order to keep his balance, and ran a near complete circle around the older man before he leap into the air, slamming his paws as high as they could reach, sending the pair crashing down into the snow in a heap of brown-tan fur. Triumphant, Kai’s body found itself seated on the darker wolf’s upper body, where he was quite content to stay. He laughed again, blue eyes no longer malicious and instead twinkling merrily, as was apparent by the tone of his laughter.

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