A letter of old, a search for a white wolf

The female quietly waited, the first one who approached her was a white wolf, a female with three pups. She took a small step back since she knew how mothers are, especially with young near them. She examined the female lightly, she was quite beautiful, with soft white fur and calm golden eyes, this had to be Xeris. It was good news hearing that she did end up in the right territory, that would have been messy if she hadn't. She tried to be as polite and kind to the mother as she confronted her. "Pardon my intrustion, I dont mean any harm to you, or your family. My name is Laidaria and...."

The arrival of the second wolf interupted the Arias news, a grey female this time, with beautiful grey-blue eyes. It still amazed her that not many wolves had strange marks like her but this female bore some herself. Once the female caught scent of the young wolf on her fur the questions and assumations poured out. She couldnt help but stare at the grey one like she was crazy. Were all wolves in souls always so talkative? Obviously the girl had forewarned her family of Arias arrival. This one must have been Anya. "Yes....." She turned back to the mother and composed herself. "I do bring you news of the young girl. The one with the blue sun fur. Though, I'm not sure she said anything about her arrival fallowing my own, that youll have to figure out on your own" She looked to the strange grey female as she said the last half.

The arrival of yet another wolf kept her from her duty once more, she was getting quite annoyed, her tail flicked once. This one was a young male, his physic told her he was quite the fighter. She found him abit handsome but she wasnt breaking a promise made long ago. Her two colored eyes examined him from nose to tail, she would have to watch herself around this one, hed put up a good fight. she directed her question towards him "I dont suppose you have any questions too do you?"


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