And the meek shall inherit the earth

OOC: SSWM - 493


It seemed he did not have to wait long. A grey female came out of the shadows to greet him and he remained motionless. To show fear was to be weak, especially if the Gabriel he sought did indeed live here. She seemed old and wise and with that age came respect without limits. Jedidiah had been brought up to respect his elders, to show nothing but utter respect. Their age gave them experience and with it came wisdom, something he did not have nearly enough of. He was by no means a stupid coyote, but he did not have enough knowledge to truly understand the world. In a sense, he did not need to. He had God and God would always show him the way. He bowed his head to the hybrid, his tail between his legs. Not tucked in, for he had not reason to fear her, but not held high, as a beacon of aggression and poor taste. Jedediah would never allow the name of his parents to suffer because of his recklessness. I am called Jedediah. I come from a coyote pack far to the south of here. I am seeking a hybrid called Gabriel, a ruler of the coyotes. I believe that God is pointing me towards him, that I can thus serve him as best as I can. I do not believe that I know better than the Lord, so I have followed his Word and come here. If Gabriel still lives here, I am willing to put down my life for him, in whatever way he needs.

It was a polished speech, he knew that. Then again, he had spent days agonising over every word. He did not want to take the Maker's name in vain, certainly not around a man like Gabriel. He also wanted to be strong, not only in the faith, but also in body and mind. Outside of God's will there was free will and he had chosen to come here. He chose to do whatever necessary to prove himself. On the other hand, he knew that there were dangers everywhere. He might be injured. Killed. He had a little medical experience. Jedediah was no healer or medic, but he could patch wounds that weren't too deep. He had been taught a noble trade, that which combined healing the body with healing the soul. He wasn't sure if he had that last part down quite right. I know not what the workings of the Lord are but if his wish is that I die for Gabriel, then so be it, he finished somewhat dramatically. He had to admit, it did sound a bit pompous and self-important. The Lord Jesus Christ had preached modesty, had He not? For now, though, he decided to sin and be proud, so that this woman, she who had born the great Gabriel, would accept him in their ranks. He would make his peace with God later on.


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