And the meek shall inherit the earth

OOC: SSWM - 376


Had Jedidiah known that the woman who now stood before him did not actually believe in any sort of God, he would have been surprised and perhaps his image of Gabriel would have deteriorated somewhat. Not because she was an unbeliever and therefore a sinner, but because the great hybrid had somehow failed to instil in the mother the same devotion that the son so obviously showed. Perhaps this was another of God's tests, to see just how the coyote reacted to those who did not follow the Law. Perhaps he was not meant to actively preach to her, for she no doubt heard it all before. Perhaps, and this certainly suited the ways of the Lord, he was meant to show his devotion to Gabriel and God through his actions. Still, he had come here to join the pack, not to act as preacher.


Aquila. The name was Roman and it startled the coyote somewhat. Why would Gabriel take upon him a name that those who had tortured the Lord Jesus Christ once wore? He composed his face into a calm mask, so as to give nothing away. And indeed he is a fine son, though I myself have never met him in person. Her next question was a natural one and once again Jedidiah had the right answer for it. I heard of him from a pack in California. He chased wolves from those lands. They spoke of him as a holy man and one who could do no wrong. I was looking for my parents at the time, and when I heard of one with so great a calling, one who had been touched by the Hand of the Lord, I knew I had to meet them. I have no qualms with the wolves, but my loyalty to Gabriel and his clan is unwavering. One who is in such close commune with the Lord has nothing but my fealty. He slowly bowed in deference to her, a sign that she too was included in his speech. How does Gabriel's clan hold itself? How does he run it? It was a straightforward question. Jedidiah preferred more peaceful ways, but he knew that sometimes, blood had to be shed in the name of the Lord.


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