Where do you go when you're blue?

She wasn't sure who would come out to meet her, whether it would be a leader or a subordinate. It didn't really matter, as long as it was someone that she could trust with the medicines. They were some pretty strong drugs here, and she wanted to be sure that they wouldn't be abused. Maybe Dierdre would come along. Naniko knew that the girl had come to Clouded Tears looking for her a week or so before...but she had just missed her.

Naniko looked up when she heard her own name, spotting the other white wolf. She remembered him, of course, he was her adopted-sister's mate. She wasn't exactly kin to Dierdre, in the sense that they had never become truly close...but both of them had been raised by Physe, so it made her feel a certain obligation to the girl."Hello, Pilot! How are you doing this fine day?"

She grinned at his joke, looking down to the backpack as well. "Well, it's a special trip--I had to bring lots of things this time. Can I come in for a bit?"

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