or buried beneath the stones
Nope, Jefferson has never introduced himself as Jefferson Soul. XD He doesn't consider himself as part of the family since he's not technically Maluki anymore, thus he is just Jefferson. :3

"Well, the only thing we can do is wait and see," the cyclops resigned, heaving a long breath. Haku was mystifying in his own way; Jefferson had barely met Mew, but at least the two of them had already decided their conflicts and parted ways peacefully. As for Haku, however, the cyclops simply couldn't predict. Whether or not family ties mattered at all to his half-brother were beyond him, but considering Haku had not once shown his face or hailed for the Valley leader since their initial meeting, well, Jefferson could only assume the worst.

"But," the cyclops continued, turning his single eye to Pendzez, "that's why I have members like you and Tyrone here. In case of an emergency, I know who I can trust with characters like my brother running around." He glanced away and sighed once more.


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