Help me out, said the eagle to the dove
Word Count: 569 - SoSuWriMo

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

They walked together and Dawali smiled to himself, his head far higher up than Cambria's, and not necessarily in sight. He was always happy to help someone, especially children. He'd learned to be responsible from being in a big family with long and strong family ties to other places. He knew what not to do, and had been taught from the start that he should be respectful and useful. Right now he felt useful, and he was flattered that the child had come to them, and not another pack. Noir had been talking about him, it seemed, and it had made an impression. It was not often that the Kalona recieved praise; after all, what good is it to him? All he can do with it is strengthen his ego, and it is not necessarily a good idea to further strengthen the ego of a person in charge. No, as a leader it was more important to him to give praise than to recieve it, though of course it was always fun when that occasionally turned, and he was the reciever. They walked in silence for a bit, and Dawali didn't mind. He was quite comfortable with silence, as he was quite comfortable with most things.

Cambria's face was very sincere as she asked him if he would teach her, and a little star of amusement shone in the corner of Dawali's eyes. This was not negative, however. Her ways and her earnesty reminded him of his daughter once, when she had seen a horse and wanted one, but was still too young to ride it. She had had that same very earnest face, but of course she had been crying at the same time, always willing to play on dad's weaknesses. This girl who stood in front of him now did not seem to attempt to play him, besides, her eyes had that very grave seriousness to it, and he would not have been able to resist it even if he had wanted to. Dawali was always happy to share his knowledge, for he believed that that is what it is for. If no one shares their knowledge, their race is doomed. The young should learn what their parents and grandparents have spent years learning, and then go on to discover more things — thus the wisdom of a people lived on, even if the individuals did not. Dawali smiled at the young female. She was not, strictly speaking, of "his people", but her argument could not be avoided. If their pack had no medic it would be disastrous should any of them get hurt. Cambria was right to take the initiative, and he admired her for it. Halting, he replied to her, but bent down a little. He was tall, and he wanted her to see in his face that he meant what he said. "Cambria, I think that's very brave of you to do that. Very brave, and very smart, too." He paused, and rose again to his full height as he did so "I'll gladly help you, but the teaching would have to happen in AniWaya, because I would spend too long traveling to and fro every time if not. It's just because I have to stay here as much as I can, if they need me. Do you think we can do that?" Cambria was a smart young girl; she would know what he meant.


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