Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'

     SoSuWriMo 469

     Just as it took all kinds to make a pack work it took all kinds to make the world work too. Every creature had some purpose or they simply wouldn't exist at all. Wolves helped to keep the populations of elk and deer in control, birds and smaller mammals would eat insects that could be harmful to plants, and it seemed at least one of the purposes of the moles was to help replant everything once the earth thawed out of its cold slumber. Spring was the time that the Marino adored the most and so the next time she saw one of the little near-sighted animals she would have to thank them for helping to make her favorite season possible.

     Her son was far from done extrapolating upon his idea though. The mother listened and watched him carefully, taking in the details he presented and mulling them over in her own head. Yes, it all made sense, perfect sense. Her head nodded both in agreement and in encouragement for him to continue upon his train of thought. Such a bright boy she had and once again she felt her chest swelling with love and pride for him. She couldn't have asked for a more wonderful son and she would not trade him for anything in the world. As he talked though another idea came to her that could possible work in conjunction with his'. "Maybe the moles have help from the birds too. They could give the birds some of the seeds to fly up in the air with and drop them down onto the ground over large areas." The moles could certainly do a lot on their own, but they couldn't have tunnels wherever there were flowers or the ground would collapse. Non-predatory birds didn't eat moles and so it seemed that they would be able to work together without issue. Green eyes looked into the blue of Gotham's expectantly, wondering what he would make of her addition.

     There were many things in the world that were fantastical and so it was easy for Savina to put her heart into believing the myths that she and Gotham were concocting. She truly believed that there were spiritual and magical forces flowing through their world. If there weren't how would she have survived being washed out to sea? How would she have been reunited with her brother and sister? The world was huge and the three siblings could have each ended up in a completely different place, but they had all come here. She didn't believe that such occurrences were accidents or flukes and neither could the weather or the changing of the seasons. They would have to share their new stories with the rest of their family, perhaps even the rest of the pack if Gotham wanted to.


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