Sing songs of friendship

The blue merle collie drew her cashmere sleeved arms back underneath her woolen poncho as a gust of chilled wind came forth from the ocean. Alaine's response to her earlier comment made the Dauphine smile, "One can never have too many friends, Alaine. Should you ever need someone, feel free to call me. I'm always within earshot," she explained, offering to be the other woman's companion. Not to lessen the quality of the offer, but it was an easy offer for the blind woman to make. From her home further down the coast she could hear almost every call made in the lands of Cour des Miracles. Canine howls often carry far and for one with such keen ears as Ruri, it was simply out of necessity that she heard so many things.

Alaine's next response made Ruri give a sigh of relief, a grateful smile etched on her features. Alaine was the one taking care of Sylvie. This was wonderful. Though the lautari barely knew Alaine, it was obvious to her that Alaine was a kindhearted, gentle, motherly figure. Sylvie needed someone like her."Oh wonderful, thank you so much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you are doing for her. She's had a rough start to life. As Alaine confessed that Sylvie was like a daughter to her, the silver and ivory woman's heart leapt inside her chest. Sylvie would not only have a better mother, but a brother, of sorts, to grow up with. The thought brought tears to her eyes."Again, Alaine, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear you say that. To think that my sister is going to grow up with someone who loves her, and someone her own age to play with. Our mother is an evil woman. She left me for dead when I was just a bit younger than Sylvie. If King Jacquez hadn't found me and raised me, I wouldn't be here. He's the only family I ever had before I met Sylvie. Thank you, Alaine, for being there for my sister." Wiping the one stray tear that had escaped her pale blue eyes, Ruri thought about what life would be like for Sylvie. She would have a mother to teach her about life. Jac had done his best to raise Ruri, and he did a good job. She would not trade anything in the world for the life Jac gave her, but she had had to learn much of what it is to be a female on her own or with occasional help from the women that passed through her life. After meeting Firefly, Ruri's knowledge had grown significantly, but she still felt she had much to learn, though Heath seemed to think she was a natural motherly figure. Sylvie wouldn't have to worry about learning those things on her own. She would have Alaine there to teach her. Ruri couldn't be more thankful.


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