trifold presentation

Word Count: 300

In Character

The man under his body settled, finally, and Kai was glad for it. There was no need for him to act like such an uptight ass. They were packmates, after all, and that meant they had to be partners and friends in order to best serve Dahlia de Mai. If they didn’t, well then what good were they? Haku would expect them to work like a well oiled machine, to be able to fight together and die together if the time so called for it. This was why he had to eliminate weakness. Even though Sic had shown him this, and now under his butt, the tawny wolf knew that this man was no faulty choice for a fighter. His strength would work well against coyotes, given their size. Kai was satisfied, and clambered off the older wolf and into the snow.

Turning on all four paws, he faced his companion, blue eyes once again boyish and light. “All right, all right,” he gave in, exasperated. “You don’t have a mother, sheesh. You just fell out of the sky one day if that makes you happy.” Rolling his eyes, finding the whole thing ridiculous, the boy yawned widely, white teeth flashing in the light before his jaws snapped shut sharply. Smiling once more, all trace of any wickedness all but gone from his body, the boy wagged his tail in a friendly manner. “But hey, I don’t think we should bother Haku. He’s probably really busy, you know? Alpha and all? I was going to go see who else was around, and find somewhere to sleep. I think they must all stay around the same area, it smells like there’s a bunch of them this way.” He gestured with his nose, and then looked back to his companion nearly anxiously.

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