And the meek shall inherit the earth

OOC: Once this thread's done, could I have a thread with each of you, please? :3 I need some words for SoSu D: SSWM - 613


Faith is a curious thing. It can drive men to madness. It can give them light in days of darkness and provide hope when the walls of the earth seem to be coming down upon them. It can show them the way and gently guide their feet as they embark upon that journey. To most men, faith is a joke, a sign of weakness, for one to rely on something so completely, so utterly was to give away all crazy. Jedidiah did not believe anything of the sort. To him, faith was the only way forward. He was no fool and he could certainly say that abandoning the self to the faith was to lose all touch with God. The Lord did not want him to walk in darkness. He would make his own choices and decisions and if God punished him, he would know what he had done wrong. He was mortal and certainly not all-knowing, but it made him feel safe knowing there was someone watching over him. Gabriel's words, however, shook him slightly. His ears flattened against his head and he knew then that this was a test. Would he turn around and run away or would he stay? Silently, he prayed for guidance and in his heart, he found the answer. I said I would lay down my life for you, Gabriel, he replied, for he was now certain that this was the one he had been looking for. Holy war or not, my allegiance is yours.


His eyes narrowed as he listened to what Gabriel had to say about this war. He abhorred violence and would have much preferred a peaceful way of dealing with things, but if the leader was really a devil, then nothing more could be done for the soul. The body could not be purged without holy water and a true man of faith, both of which were lacking here. He would have to be destroyed, and Jedidiah could easily live with that. It was not a crime of malice, jealousy or spite. It was something that had to be done. A war, you say. Then I shall fight alongside you and yours, Gabriel. The woman's question was an easier one. He had skills beyond his devotion to God.


It was almost interesting to see how much he did actually know. His faith had been the central pillar around which everything else was built, but it did not sustain everything. Should his faith crumble, he would suffer, but he had physical skills and enough of them to get around. Although I am young, I was taught to heal. The soul is not so easy to achieve, but the Lord guides me. My hands can heal wounds. I am not as skilled as I wish to be, but I can patch up most wounds from hunting accidents or malicious attacks. Diseases I still wish to learn. I have performed surgery on corpses a few times, but only in my home pack and never was a life threatened and surgery warranted. Jedidiah looked away, as if ashamed he could bring no more. I can fight, but my physical strength lies in sneak attacks, not full frontal. I could not sustain that impact. I see winter has come to these parts. My coat can only hide me in foliage for so long, but I intend to make use of it. Other skills... well, I can read, but in times of war, I assume such skills are superfluous, he finished, looking at both the male and the female. His fate rested with them and their judgement of just how useful he truly was.


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