Ordinary Riches

I'm sorry, just remember i love you...
SSWM - 1032

These were unsettled times. Times that made Anu think of Crimson Dreams shift in power. They were blessed to always know peace with in their borders, even if there had been internal disputes. Anu had not thought she could manage such an upset, but now that she looked back on those times they did not seem to compare with the idea of having Haku at their door. Anu thought of Conor, the young male who was her lover’s brother. He was too young to take on the powers of Haku, and even if the pack revolted against their leader there was little chance that anyone survive. In Haku’s mind there was no one superior to the brown and cream monster, and there was nothing scarier then a beast that thought himself beyond death and beyond god.

The thought that he would even step into their lands made her tremble. But it was indeed Inferni that would be targeted. The words of Alexey resonated in her mind, and Anu remembered that both lands were not safe. They would soon be at each others throats if Anu knew anything about Haku and the volatility of Inferni. She had many that she called friends between the two packs, and it was Haku solely that she hated. Her hatred was not spread thickly throughout those that she had met, rare to be seen and after many stories and incidents Anu had centered it on the male. Savina’s words were all too true, her blue eyes scanning her face as she spoke them. Never did Anu wish to bring her unpleasant news, but this was something that was necessary to share and as always Savina would never be alone in her decision of what to do with the challenges ahead.
“It will be Inferni’s war.” Anu did not know of the first war that had raged between the two groups, nor did she fully understand that it was Gabriel that would need to face Haku and with a rage and vendetta that could move mountains and empty oceans. Though, what would be expected of the leader of the targeted clan?

The story of how this came to be might never be said the same twice. A tale traveled by word of mouth would easily distort the news, and she agreed with Savina in that it was likely to be Haku’s hope. The more she thought of it, the more she worried for those that were peace loving and lived inside Dahlia.
“Alexey. I’ve only just met her. She spoke of the tension between Dahlia and Inferni. Who started all of it…” Anu trailed off, looking down at the maps for a thoughtful moment and then back to Savina,
“I believe it to be Haku.” It couldn’t’ have been Gabriel, Anu wouldn’t believe it even if Savina thought it so.

She nodded her head; those that lived and sought peace within those packs would be in the middle of the chaos. Each had those that were made to fight, and looked for the opportunity. But with the fighter came many more that were weak and only wanted to live without fear and among the safety and comfort of their families.
“They might need refuge.” Anu commented, though she was not ready to offer their lands without sensing how Savi felt about it. The woman had a good feeling that the raven colored Commander would not object at the least. Their pack had always been open to any seeking sanctuary.

The question made Anu nod in silence. She had not come here this night for only one reason. Gathering her emotions and reeling them in, Anu spoke with the same soft voice that carried her words to one’s ears on any normal circumstance.
“I do.” She began slowly. There was a sudden and misplaced fear that Savina would be disappointed, that she would react in a way Anu had not wanted, but still she gathered herself and continued.
“A Dahlian and I recently fled from Haku.” The older wolfess lightly cleared her throat before explaining further.
“I have wanted for her to join us for some time, seasons, and when she attempted to leave he attacked her. Her own father.” Blue eyes focused on the green eyes she poured her story into instead of thinking back on that day. “We escaped, her injuries were not life threatening but she has been recovering for a few weeks. Her name is Colibri Haki.” Anu wondered how Colibri felt this moment, did she know that Anu was speaking of her? So suddenly the silver tinted female missed her with an intensity that she had not felt in some time.

Before she could wonder if it was the truth that was being told, and the weight that was being lifted from her chest she added,
“I just wanted us to be together.” There was sadness laced in the sentence. It had not been her only hope, she had wished to be allow Coli to experience a place where she could simply be herself and not fear her father. Anu had hoped that she would finally know true love, unconditionally. She felt a pang in her chest, she hadn’t shown her anything since their return. Her tone drew a darker form, as did her face
“I don’t think he will come here.” If he did, Anu would certainly die. Her small body would be nothing more then a pebble throw against the rapids of a ragging river. But she would not allow him to enter her home to touch upon the perfection that they had created and fought to retain. Anu hoped desperately that Haku had grown bored of Coli and the Dreaming woman that had come to claim her. The tail that he had recovered from their fight was a grand enough souvenir,
“He has taken enough from her. But…” Anu felt helpless in her ability to predict what the mad wolf would do, she no longer looked at the fellow female but down at the maps. There were blurred in her unfocused vision. Her mind played the face of the young brown and cream female that looked so much of her father.


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