contaminating everything [p]


There were, of course, grins and leers from the Russian wolf; he was not one to hold off on flirting. He didn't dull down his personality much; to Rurik, life was a game. One's primary pursuit in it was pleasure—he had long given up on love. Once was enough to burn him, to scar him deeply enough to keep him away from deep commitment forever. His children were different from women; they were an extension of him and they deserved the best treatment from the Russian werewolf simply because he'd helped create them. Were it not for Rurik, they would not exist; therefore he must play some role in their lives.

"I would say y'look like you can take care of yourself, but everyone needs a pick me up every once in a while," he said, the grin on his face clear what his intent was. Rurik preferred the blunt method; he would soften up his ladies with a suave comment and dive in for the kill, and more often than not it worked, whether it was for his pretty face or his ways one simply could not tell. Flirting was something quite natural for the wolf, and he was certainly not afraid to follow through with his offers.

The werewolf listened to the pale woman describe her family, a concerned look passing over his face. He couldn't imagine coming from such a small family, and he could only hope that Lolita's family had treated her kindly and showed her love. After all, it was not the size of the family but the amount of love that it produced. "No worries, chica. Mine family does not judge who I bring home for dinner," he said, smiling. They would accept her as they would anyone else Rurik showed affection for; Zinoviya held out hopes that someday the wandering Russian would come home to Sobirat'sya with a nice girl and settle down, but it simply was not happening for Rurik.

The idea of spending more time on four legs was not foreign to Rurik; he knew that was more common on this side of the world. Still, he'd only been four-legged a few times since gaining the ability to shift, and it still puzzled him why these feral types preferred their Lupus forms to the dexterity of their Optime forms. He couldn't judge, though. "The same might be said for mine home. We do not really run on four legs much," he said, punctuating the statement with a chuckle. "To each his own, though," the wolf added quickly, surely not wishing to offend the woman's family's choice of lifestyle.

Her question brought him to think, and he considered this for a moment. "Some of it grows wild, maybe mushrooms here. Opium? I do not think so. I bring seeds, maybe if I find someone to plant them here..." he trailed off, thinking. He would eventually trade these seeds with Anselm, who had a far better chance of germinating a plant than Rurik did himself. "If I do find any, I will surely look you up," he added excitedly. Tripping was always an experience, and one shared with comfortable partners was surely best.

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