Erase Myself
xxxxxHe was drunk. Drunk not only with the wine that flowed through his veins, warming his blood like liquid fire and turning thoughts sluggish and amused, but also with the desire that was beginning to wind through his body at the touch of her flesh. A wolf. A worthless creature, yet she was flesh and blood and bone, and female at that. He could desire her, like one who desires a whore, willing to use this living body to meet their own needs, than abandon it without a second thought. Her body curved upward toward his, willing whether she realized it or not as instinct drove her flesh to burn with lust and wine. Biting continued, sharper, yet not enough to cause her skin to tear and bleed as he lightly pulled and sucked — hands sought the edges of her body, tracing the curves of her form with hands aiming to cause arousal. They moved lower, sliding between her legs to stroke with practiced motions.

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