crawling i position myself below your broken wing.
xxxxxTremors ran through her body, shivering at his touch as claws glided across her back. She was nervous, this he knew — he could smell it on her, the pungent odor that hung around her form like a cloud. And while this may of excited him, driving him to insanity as he turned that hesitance and insecurity to fear, tearing apart her body and ripping through her flesh, he held himself back with some effort. It was funny, really, how once before he'd hated his younger siblings so viciously, longing to tear them apart simply to remove the barrier that separated himself and his mother. But now with Kaena gone, abandoning these children just as much as she'd abandon him, he no longer had a reason to despise the girl, though these feelings still lingered. Flesh and blood hardly matter to the boy, but he'd once found himself "loving," if that was possible, both Razekiel and Ahemait, and even Molochai, Kaena's loyal son who'd aided in his rearing. It was probably this that had allowed himself to grant Rachias an ultimatum, allowing her to turn away if she so chose.
xxxxxBut confidence filled her voice when she finally spoke, uttering a simple "no" that was a good enough consent to the prince. She was nervous, this he knew, and more than likely had no idea what to do beyond teasing, but this mattered not to the Lykoi, for all a body had to do was lie beneath him and be used, and he was satisfied. A fire burned in his eyes at her word, claws suddenly pricking her flesh in the trails he made along her spine, dragging lower toward her hips and thighs as jaws found her throat. He didn't expect her to return the attentions, but he didn't mind if she did, either, tearing apart his flesh as he'd long to do to her, causing him to bleed and burn with the pain. He edged her back toward the door, pushing her body into his as fingers trailed up her side, then stomach toward her breast, cupping it beneath his hand.

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