crawling i position myself below your broken wing.
xxxxxHe felt her body's reactions as she pressed against him, shuddering and gasping at his touch. There was no longer any escape for the girl, for at this point whatever sanity possessed his brain fled, replaced by sheer animalistic desire and emotion. Rachias' body continued to tremble beneath his touch, radiating the nervousness that continued the posess her, but this drove him on, teeth continuing to mark the flesh of her neck and throat, biting and pulling with his fangs. Her hands moved up his chest and across his shoulders to the back of his neck, tracing paths at the base of his spine with her nails. Each touch thrilled him, though he wanted more, so much more. In between gnawing he uttered simply, "Harder," in a voice surprisingly level. Hand slid across her thigh, making it's way between her legs as he parted them, reaching up to stroke her warmth. His other hand moved up her back, dragging his nails across her shoulder and down her arm, before returning to tracing a line across her lower spine.

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