It's a snake

Word Count: 457 - SoSuWriMo

childhood repression: an expert at work

Emwe sat there with his usual face as he listened to Haven's new words, filling in his own lacking information on birds. Well, sure.. he had a point. Emwe had totally forgotten about the scary birds, he'd just thought about the chickens and the doves and all the ones that could be eaten quite easily. He'd never seen an eagle, for example, up close (because they flew around, duh), except one dead one once. But it had been dead for a long time, so there was little left of it, though he could remember the beak, because it had been pretty sharp-looking. He nodded as he envisioned the cycle of small bird versus snake versus big bird. It ruined his whole idea on the snake, but it was okay. He'd rather be well-informed than wrong. Quite ironic, given his current efforts to ignore his real situation.

Even though the snake would never be his path to glory and acceptance, he would probably never cease to think that it was a quite interesting animal. Haven suggested that the venom was kept only in his mouth, but Emwe thought that that was a strange idea. Then the bird would have to avoid eating the mouth altogether? But to Emwe, the head looked like a big part of it, broader and stuff, and maybe it had more food? Then again he never ate the skull of anything because there was no yummy parts of it — the best part of any prey was in the middle, at least that's what he'd found out so far. He'd never been lucky enough to get a piece of liver or heart yet, because whenever he ate animals that were actually hunted, and that hadn't been dead already or something similar, he was not the one to get the yummy parts. Such was life for someone in the middle of the ranks, but this Haven guy probably got all the good stuff. One day Emwe would be just as pwoerful as his father, and he'd get all the tasty bits. He looked forward to that. "I s'pose the birds are pretty smart, then, who know not to eat the dangerous parts." In fact, he was growing more in awe of birds, too, now. But then again he knew that he had eaten birds, and if it was that easy, it was hardly a challenge. Nope, he'd have to find his ultimate enemy in another species. Maybe cougars? But damn, they were scary. His head thought a million thoughts at once but he managed to somehow remain on the sae track conversation-wise. He was good at letting his thoughts trail off, for his conversations rarely held much depth anyway. It was easy to be Emwe Soul.


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