ice age heat wave

It had to be admitted that Legacy rarely grew tired of the sound of her own voice. Maybe it was partly because she had so many thoughts and words bubbling around in there that to hear just some of them aloud made a change, brought them to life. She was the sort that, in isolation, would not take long to lose touch with reality. And so a willing listener, as his attentive expression proved him to at least outwardly be, was something she could appreciate and possibly even take advantage of, with her spinning sentences and inexperienced, enthusiastic philosophies. Aware of this, she had pulled her politeness from thin air with no idea that what she said was true. As he proved her happily wrong by explaining his lack of direction, the girl gave her most genuine smile for days and then gave a deferent, gently teasing bow of her head - more self-deprecating than mocking.

"At your service, then! We'll find paints for you if I have to dig them out of the heart of the mountain single-handedly." Even just some good ochres and reds would do... then they could try the oil thing, once the pigments existed. As she padded forth to lead the way to some undecided destination, she shot a puzzled look at him, recalling an earlier remark. "Books can do anyone good, can't they? If you find the right ones, about things you want to know..." The library was pretty good, but she was getting to the point where extra literature would be highly useful on certain subjects. Shame that the human city was somewhere she couldn't bring herself to go.


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