And the meek shall inherit the earth

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In Character

For the way he spoke, Jedidiah might have believed himself a man of faith, of the Lord and His place on High. The boy knew nothing. Gabriel had seen faith; he had seen it in Eli’s terrible providence, in the way he used rattlesnakes and such terrible words. Eli had broken men twice over before they had even realized he had done such a thing. Gabriel was nothing compared to the faith healer, and had never believed himself worthy or able to bring the Truth to those who did not believe and did not know. Even when he had ascended to a co-leader in the Scintilla war, it had been Eli that had guided his faith and been his right hand, and Eli alone who would be able to speak the Lord’s wrath without using true fire. Gabriel might have heard The Voice, but it was Eli who spoke it. Jed’s faith would waiver here, and he might turn weak if he relied on such a thing.

Still, the boy did not falter and did not back down, and offered his life for nothing more then the fact that Gabriel led here. Had he known the doubt in the young man, and had he known that his faith was not that of fire and brimstone, he might have turned him away. The boy would break. He would fall to ash and salt before the end of days. If he did not turn hard and if he did not toughen up, there would be no place for him here. Haku Soul and the weight of days would crush him ultimately. Kaena’s voice asked the question he had not, and the boy’s answer was satisfactory. They had a need for healers, however unskilled they were, and he did not try to fool anyone with his size. There was no point in throwing the smaller southern coyote headlong into a pack of wolves. “You can stay here,” he answered flatly. “Inferni needs capable hands. I’m warning you now,” he paused, focusing both eyes on Jedidah’s own. “Do not rely on faith to guide you. You won’t survive out here.”

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table by sie

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