soft inter moments
Ooc: This can be set on like the 9th or something instead of the firth, but because of current plots it needs to be backdated a bit still.. sosu 429

Firefly had been ignoring the calls of Elroy as he darted in and out of the snow drifts, batting at the flakes he sent flying about. She smiled to herself, knowing that the cat would probably return to her abandoned cabin the moment Jacquez showed back up. He didn’t seem very keen on her feline charge but she didn’t care. She liked when he was annoyed by something, the more annoyed he was with others the higher her spirits rose. When his annoyance was because of something she had done on the other hand her temper flared and they were at ends until one finally dominated over the other. Oddly enough their fights often ended in flirting and romping in the covers, as silly as the arguments had been they disappeared just as quickly.

She was not looking forward to when Jacquez found out about her upcoming pregnancy though, as he would most likely blame her and sulk like a spoiled brat. She rolled her eyes at the idea and went back to closing her eyes and listening to the calls of Elroy. It wasn’t long before the change in the feline’s voice was detected and Firefly opened one eye again to see what he was doing. When she did this she heard a cry from the meadow and with a sigh she rose to see what the cat had discovered.

The Sadira woman stood on the bottom step of the porch when she caught sight of the child that had obviously fallen by the look of things. Firefly was puzzled for a moment because this wasn’t Jontae or Night but another. It took her a second to remember that Leroy and Ayita’s children had been born a while back. Firefly had decided that it was best to stay away from the woman and her children.. Jacquez’s want of her in his bed didn’t help either, if she had wanted to see the newest editions to the pack. Now though she could tell that this was indeed one of Leroy’s children as a tiny smile appeared on her lips as the girl addressed her.

Firefly’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she lowered her head slightly in greeting before answering. ”And good day to you. Now what’s your name little lady?” She could already tell the girl was going to look a bit like her father just by the markings on her pelt but the coloration was off. Firefly studied her a moment before she moved off the porch and wandered closer to the younger member of Cour des Miracles.

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