Dreams only she can understand
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OOC: Any ideas for this thread? :]

Though he seemed mildly thoughtful of her questioning, Alaine was surprised to see that there was no irritation nor surprise in her asking of such a question. It was something the young woman was going to have to get used to - Here, in this strange pack with it's strange rules and members, women were as free to speak their mind as the men. Back home, females had been hunters, scavengers, yes; But the men ruled, and the men spoke of politics and reasonings. She was meant to be no more than a wife, a body for which to sire many heirs. But here... Emerald eyes drank in Vigilante's expressions, his tone, his words with the eagerness of a child. Here, she was free.

The mention of this Aniwaya tribe did little to startle her. The name sounded familiar, such that she might have heard it in a passing conversation. The fact that they, too, raised horses - well, it was confusing, but just another aspect of this foreign place that the too-young mother was simply going to have to adapt to. The stallion, Nádherné, was much easier to come to grips with now that he was grazing placidly. She saw in the beast a new evolution, a means of transport and power. What sort of advantage would these beasts give a pack to prosper? Yes, she was simply going to have to adapt. There was timid, Alaine knew, and then there was suspiciously timid. People would begin to question her background, her mind, if the saw how her hands shook when a man approached or how there was always space between her and another being, space enough to run.

She looked far more fragile than she was, like a lost bird or a wilting flower. It was about time to change that, starting with her new life here.

" I should like to know more about the packs, if you've any information to offer me, Sir. This place is very... Different, from my birthland. I find many things so confusing!"

The collie-woman admitted the last bit with a sheepish grin, her exotic inverted eyes watching the tall mutt cautiously. This time, her tone was firmer, less meek and 'spineless' than before. As always it held that strange, musical note, identifying her as the outsider she was.

" All I know of Cour des Miracles is the land I can see from my window in the hotel. But others come from so far across the fields, claiming they come from more pack lands! I wish I could see it for myself, but I am confined here for the time being..."

Speak think walk.


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