steppin' up the production line.

Word Count: 811

In Character

There was no doubt, given what had occurred during the last war, that Inferni would look like the bad guys. They were, after all, terrible coyotes who had nothing better to do then attack poor innocent wolves. Asphyxia had attacked first, but she had done so on their land. It was unfortunate that the she wolf had lost her children, but Haku had taken his revenge on her fast and hard. Then he had rushed out and slaughtered two innocent people—a mother and child no less—simply because whatever demon it was inside of his head would not allow there to be revenge without blood. Haku had started that war, and Gabriel had met him head-on. The same could be said for this upcoming battle, in which it was not simply a matter of unfinished business, but of striking out once and for all to eliminate the damned blue eyed wolf from existence once and for all.

Gabriel’s own ego had shattered any sort of conversation that could be held with Phoenix Valley. DaVinci’s attitude and refusal to leave Inferni alone had driven him to lash out verbally at his alpha, only to have the situation turn sour when two dominant forces had met head to head. Jefferson was anything but weak, and his strength lay not in the physical, but in his own stubbornness as well. Gabriel had not gone near that pack since their scrap, and did not intend to now that war was on the wind. Considering, further, that Gabriel had killed their founder when she had stumbled blindly into Inferni and provoked him through nothing more then her words. It infuriated him to have his weakness held in a woman he no longer cared for. Faolin was a fading memory, one overshadowed by her betrayal and the way she had managed to look at him as if he was a stranger. Now, he hated her. He did not hate many people, but he felt no love for the red coated woman who had betrayed him twice over now.

Gabriel was pleased that Anselm accepted his offer, citing the need for it rather then his own want, which had been a large part of the decision. There was, certainly, a need for such a thing with times being what they were. Though aware of his cousin’s growing trade in the city, Gabriel had considered it an option for finding information. Besides, with Anselm traveling to and fro, there would be many opportunities to keep his eyes and ears open. Even if he didn’t intend to fight, it would certainly do them well to know what the word from the other packs were. If, as they had before, the wolves tried to band together, Gabriel needed to know. He would not stand for such a thing and would need to crush it ultimately if this came to a head. Still, a part of him doubted it would. Haku Soul thirsted for blood and pain, and if he could not take this from Inferni, he would strike out against others. Svara, with her scars and her cruel eyes, had been one of those few who had come to him. Had she done so in a different manner, he might have called her an ally. Instead, she had wanted thugs, wanted muscle and wanted to send Inferni to fight her battle. Inferni fought no battles but their own.

Except, of course, when those Infernians had been so new to battle they turned, aghast, from the proposition. Gabriel had not failed to notice this, and it seemed Anselm had not either. Under his darkening hair, the Aquila’s amber eyes glimmered darkly. While he did not expect all of their coyotes to desire blood and rush into battle, he would not accept anything less then a strong home defense. Were they to leave their borders unprotected, leave their back door open, it would be catastrophic. “Yeah,” he agreed, sparing a glance towards the forest. With the trees bare, they could see several dozen yards into the distance, but even this fact did not mean they were constantly aware of every eye upon them. “I don’t want anyone not pulling their weight. We have enough members by now that there’s no excuse for any wolf to cross our borders. You can do whatever you need to with them, but if the time calls for it they’re going to need to fight.” Turning his eyes back to the golden wolfish hybrid, Gabriel’s voice dropped slightly. “They’re not all going to survive, but I want to make sure as many of them do as possible.”

Shaking the idea off, Gabriel exhaled in a sigh and pushed his hair out of his face once more. “This should help, though. This is gonna be a long term project, and you’ve got more then enough hands to help.”

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