Rainy day women #12&35
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
*gigglesnort* SoSuWriMo 410

If Savina had been having a sober-minded out of body experience at the moment she would have been staring at the both of them if they were completely out of their minds, which honestly wasn't too far from the truth. The woman had never been so completely silly outside of puppyhood. She knew how to have a good time and let loose, it had just never been quite this loose. Her head felt like it was floating away from her body and everything just seemed so damn funny. Anselm's outburst didn't make any sense to her at first and she also did not catch the innuendo that could be gleaned from it. "Jugs?" she asked, not entirely sure what "jugs" were. Though when his eyes widened and he laughed nervously Savina was starting to get that unintended hidden meaning and not at all what he was truly trying to talk about. His wild hand movements didn't help his case as, once again, she saw more of the unintended sexual messages than the innocent one. Not really thinking and doing something that she never would have done sober she looked down at her chest and her hands cupped her breasts. "These are jugs? I've never heard them called jugs before, that's silly." Savina was oblivious to the fact that this would only exacerbate her friend's problem.

When he finally mentioned something about water her head cocked, one ear flopping to the side. "Jugs are for water? These aren't for water! What are you talking about? I'm confused." The words were spoken in quick succession as her foggy mind also did its best to climb out of the gutter that it had unintentionally fallen into. She wasn't consciously thinking about sex, but the undercurrent was certainly there. There had always been a bit of a spark between them, but she had mostly ignored it for she just didn't think about anyone other than Kansas in such a way and assumed (wrongly) that other men didn't think of her in that way either. Though as he was clearly avoiding looking at her and now frowning she felt sad. Why was Anselm frowning, they had been so happy just a few moments before. Ears folded back against her head as one hand reached out to touch his arm. "Anselm, what's wrong? Did I upset you?" She didn't want him to be sad! She wanted to go back to laughing and smiling and being silly.


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