trifold presentation

Word Count: 511.

In Character

Sic had been one of the lucky ones in the monastery; he was permitted to wander beyond the fenced outside. Perhaps that had been a mistake of the other brothers, trusting Sic with that special permission. The tawny-furred werewolf had certainly given them reason to second-guess themselves after a while—there were rumors and whispers that Sicarus had begun to sneak alcohol in for the younger canines of the bunch. It was entirely untrue; Sic had never been drunk in his life. He'd tasted real alcohol once, and he found it disgusting. It was only ceremonial wine, and only a taste of it at that, for Sicarus.

The other Gazon's answer to his question satisfied Sicarus, who had no idea if it really was normal wolf behavior or not. He had come so far out of necessity; he had needed to put as many miles between himself and that woman as possible, for his own physical safety and his mental health, too. Being anywhere near her made it possible for him to fall for temptation again, it made him think of her too much, and it also increased the possibility that one of her people wound find him and drag him, kicking and screaming, back to her to face punishment. No, he could not have that. If he ever saw her again, it would be for his vengeance. He'd slit her throat for tempting him beyond celibacy and into sexual torment. Never again.

They continued on in silence for some way, with Kai up ahead and Sicarus behind. The werewolf was, of course, content to follow, though he didn't allow too much distance to separate between the pair. Sicarus was usually in good accord with those he chose to follow. The other wolf's sudden pause drew the Gazon's attention, and he trotted quickly up to the other wolf's side, peering on the building with a bright eye. "Oh, a house! That is a good place to live," he said. The exclamation was excited, almost childish—it had been a while since Sic had seen a human home in such good condition. Most of what lay between here and the town was wasteland, already too damaged by nature to be of any use as a living arrangement. The wolf swept forward a bit, forgetting his place for a moment in his excitement to find a comfortable place to live. He bounded up the stairs and onto the porch, shading his eyes to look into the front window.

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