trifold presentation

Word Count: 352

In Character

Kai seemed entirely confused with the concept of the house, which Sicarus would have laughed at had the other canine not proven his now-obvious dominance. Leaders weren't supposed to get laughed at; it was disrespectful, and Sicarus was not allowed to commit such an act. The werewolf couldn't exactly see the details of the house's innards, but what he saw didn't appear to be too worrisome; there didn't appear to be any giant holes in the floor or anything like that. The werewolf grinned at his companion, an exceedingly rare show of emotion, and grabbed at the handle, jiggling it about before twisting it. It was unlocked! What luck. Then again, who would have bothered to lock the door during the apocalypse? With all your neighbors dying around you, there didn't seem to be much point in security.

The werewolf swung open the door, unleashing a musty blast of air from within the home. It was stale but not entirely bad; there must have already been broken windows or cracks in the house somewhere. Sic didn't mind—if the house was infested by mice, raccoons, or any other pesky creatures, it was easy enough for the Luperci to fish them out. It was a quick and easy resource for a meal, in the werewolf's eyes. He stepped inside, admiring the dirty, dusty carpet. It was almost yellow, but at one time it might have been a creamy sort of color, perhaps even off-white. Most everything seemed in place; there was the faint scent of some other canine who had lived here before them, but Sic didn't think they'd be coming back anytime soon. And anyway, who would have evicted Dahlia de Mai's two newest—the most eligible of the bachelors and the most unwilling of the bachelors?

Turning to his companion, the werewolf flourished with one arm, waving his hand at the insides of the house. As much as he was in accord with this house and other human dwellings, his companion did not seem to be. The same could be said where Sicarus and nature were concerned. "What do you think?"

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