I get my lovin' on the run
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SoSuWriMo 518

Rikka hadn't always been so open and free when it came to sex. In fact it was a bit of a newer development that had only come to be when she had joined up with the other hippies in The Haight. She hadn't been a prude before, but she also had not been so forward in her desires. Living in the commune had made any and all reservations when it came to such liaisons melt away though and she was not about to revert back to the way she had been before. Now that her eyes and mind had been opened she didn't see why people were so stuffy about sex and their own bodies. It was one of life's fundamental experiences and it was filled with beauty and passion. To shy away from it and to be embarrassed by it was simply ludicrous to her now. Rikka was all about embracing life and there was no better way to embrace it than to make love with another.

It really was a shame that it was winter and there were no flowers to be seen. In the commune they had often braided flowers in one another's hair, exulting in the beauty of Mother Nature. When comparing her looks to a flower she was flattered, but she did not think that the comparison extended to her being. Flowers, gorgeous as they were, were fragile and could not withstand much. Rikka did not think of herself as weak. Gentle yes, but not weak. She was hardy and she could survive, even in the dark of winter. Rurik only knew her by looks though, and so she of course took no offense to the name he had bestowed upon her. "Well, I'm a flower that can survive all year round," she said jokingly, eyelashes batting. Gabriel certainly was aged by battle and hardships and she could see where he would be suspicious of them being the same age. She was lucky to have avoided the trials her brother had faced. "The very same. I've lived a gentler life than he has." It wasn't meant as a degradation of her sibling's life, just a statement of a simple fact.

She could pick up on his slight nervousness, but honestly the Russian had nothing to be concerned about. Rikka was not easily turned off or offended and there was absolutely nothing about him that she found unattractive. He called her to him like a moth to a flame, the magnetism undeniable. As he spoke again she grinned up at him, eyes smoldering. "Not every day you meet a girl like me." At least not in these lands. Now that their proximity was so very close she was glad that he acted on his impulses and kissed her. A soft, satisfied hum rumbled in her throat as she pressed her lips against his and hand moved up to the back of his head, her fingers tangling in his sable mane. Every nerve in her body was coming to life like fire and as far as she was concerned there was no going back now.


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