reintroduce myself as a man with a cause


He could hear her footfalls, and he guessed from the delay that she had thought to pick some of the items up. That was good—he could probably get through what he wanted to do today quickly enough to hunt early and get a better night’s sleep. If she performed admirably enough, he might even think about asking Kaena if she might let her help him out on this little project over the next few days. It was worth a shot, right?

Once they arrived at the boundary and he instructed her in what to do, they simply kept working at it. Either alternating on the same line or working in opposite directions, the work passed much more quickly with an extra pair of hands to help. Vieira might not have been the strongest or hardiest of workers, but she was determined and didn’t complain. Snake respected that in her—those were generally the first steps towards becoming someone truly exemplary (at least when it came to menial tasks such as this). He was sure if she got some training, she might even be formidable.

Neither of them were what anyone would call conversationalists, so the work passed in near-total silence, besides the occasional guidance from Snake. Eventually things around Inferni were starting to darken, the sun sinking and taking all the color of the world with it. Still, he thought they might have a few good hours left of sunlight before it got too dark to work. He looked over to Vieira, most of all the sticks and poles having been already put up in the ground. “Unless you have to be elsewhere, you could help me look for something to lash them together with. I was thinking we might find at least something in the Dampwoods.”

They were not far away—Inferni bordered Arachnea’s Revenge and the Dampwoods, and had part of them in its boundaries. He thought there might be thicker vegetation towards the center, where hardier plants were still living. It didn’t necessary have to be anything like vines—a good mass of brambles would be even better. One could cut through a vine, but who would risk it with thousands of barbs? Of course, maneuvering the brambles from one place to another was a different story. But first they would have to find them.


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