finding a niche
Of course I don't mind! And I'm definitely not a prude, don't worry. Smile

Upon hearing the snow crunch beneath hoof beats, Nakir twirled to face the approaching horse and rider, her blade drawn. Eyes burning with suspicion, the luperci female watched as the male halted before her; they narrowed as he spoke. His accent was difficult - but not impossible - for her to decipher and he spoke what she guessed was German, a language she didn't understand. His tone was easier to make sense of: pure, unadulterated entitlement.

You are just in time für krieg.-NYEH- What are the circumstances?

Although she recognized the male's question, she did not understand the words für krieg and therefore could not guess at the information he was looking for. "Speak plain English if you want an answer, cur," she spat at him. It mattered little to the female if he was of Inferni and perhaps higher ranked than she; Nakir would not give respect to someone that had not earned it. She was well aware of the potential consequences of insubordination and so she raised her knife, forearm blocking her throat, her other arm readied to attack with her claws if needed. "And tell me who you are to deserve one."


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