Grave of the Sunflowers
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here you goes

The two year old mimicked the blond's pose, though his movement into it was slow and stiff from the rough housing. He shook his head to get any dead plants out of his styled red locks. To be certain, he ran a hand through them, picking out crushed petals and dried up stems. Well it was good to hear that grumpy black wolf had somehow found some sunshine to lift him from his gloom over his leader's drug habits. Strelein shrugged at the mention of puppies, thinking that Jazper was not the sort to have children with someone, in all honest; he had not come off as the planned fatherhood kind of guy, though there had been a definite air of responsibility about that man, though that was probably why the redhead never really chose to go out of his way to seek him out. Though the Cours des Miracles male did give the loner a smile at the thought of the guitar. That was quite kind of Jazper to bestow such a gift.

"Oh really? You play well?" he asked, crossing his arms across his chest now that his breathing had stabilized, thankfully. "I can play a mean lute or piano if you want to jam sometime." Of course he had not touched a piano in almost nine months and his lute was collecting dust in his room. He would be rusty but he was certain a few moments of practice, ear shatteringly bad as it would be, the sound should go back on par. "Though I'm kind of out of practice." Rather quite a lot out of practice, really. Strel's back relaxed as he felt his body's temperature return to something close enough to normal to be comfortable.

Strelein gave an indignant sound at Daisuke, as though the blond had asked him if he was remotely useful. It sort of sounded like the other male implied that the redhead was a lousy pack member, doing nothing but sleep and mooch. Cheeks puffing out as the redhead gave Daisuke a dirty look. "I'll have you know I make up for my pansy weak body with skills," he said with a huff, face relaxing because it was obvious that the blond did not mean it in an insulting manner. He just did not seem the type. "I sew. Make clothes. That sort of jazz." Yes, Strelein's skills were rather girly, something most men in the human world would not bat an eyelash at trying to attempt. What did he care? It was fun and it was useful. Worst case scenario, he would find cloth for bandages for the Apothecary.

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