soft inter moments

Shannon maybe firefly and amara could talk about her scary monster. Haku she doesn't know his name only what he looks like. Umm I'll be in college but we'll have to pm or something

Amaranth was looking at firefly. She introduced herself and she was very interested in everything. She wanted to explore everything and she would explore later. "Really you know my dad. He's cool much cooler then mom." She said. "Mom makes more rules then dad like I'm not supposed to wander to far from vigilante's house." She said. She looked at firefly and then back at the cat. "He's weird looking." She said as she returned her attention. "I've never heard of cat before." She said.

Amaranth was very focused on the things she could learn from Firefly. "Um thank you I'll be prettier when I'm big like you" She said. She was glad to be invited out of the feild. She wasn't sure exactly how to get back to Vigi's house but she would figure that out later. As she started Firefly looked at her. "Hurt me? Hmm not lately." She said. "I met a man and he thought I'd be yummy." She said.

Her attention reverted back to going towards the house. She hopped on to the porch and sat there looking at firefly.


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