
OOC: O y helo thar! ^__^ Could you do me one favor and edit the following information into your first post? Or post it in your next reply, either way works for meee. Big Grin Character Name, Character Birthdate (including year), Luperci/Non-luperci, Species, Gender, and a secondary form of contact. (AIM or MSN or YIM works) If this is your first time we also like to know how you found out about us--did someone send us your way, was it an advertisement, google search, etc. Thanks a bunch. ^_^ 465.

The hybrid woman stalked about the borders, deciding it was absolutely prudent to keep roaming them. They were twenty-six strong now, after all—it would seem to Kaena that new coyotes showed up on a daily basis, some coming from very far indeed to heed to call of warfare. Perhaps this was a stand they took for all their species; a final battle to prove to wolfkind that coyotes would no longer allow themselves to be pushed and shoved around, their perimeters trampled over and their lands invaded. It would be difficult to reverse centuries of hatred and prejudice, for certain, but Kaena had hope in her chest. If they kept biting back at the wolves, sooner or later the wolves would stop biting first. Maybe someday in the far future there would be some accord between wolves and coyotes; either way, Kaena did not think this harmony would occur anytime during her life—or what little left she had of it, anyway.

The silvery hybrid much preferred this style of living to any other; she liked being on the defensive rather than the offensive. She no longer had anything to prove, and neither did Inferni; they were content to lay back and wait for the attack, preparing themselves as quietly and quickly as they could. Perhaps these tactics would not work in the long term; Gabriel had taken the initiative to seek out the Dahlian monster before, and perhaps it would happen again—but for now, even twenty-six strong, the silvery hybrid feared attacking the wolf pack outright. Many of their members were full-blooded coyotes, dwarfed by the larger cousin species. Many more were ill-trained for combat—while Kaena had no fear or worry for herself, Gabriel, Anselm, Hybrid, Halo, and Snake, there were others she knew could not defend themselves—like Vieira.

It did not take long before a strange scent entered the hybrid's nose, drawing her toward the strange coyote. He was a few feet over the borders; a yellowed tooth showed annoyance at this trespassing, her tail flicked high into the air. He was adorned with many strange beads and other decorations, reminding her vaguely of Dawali and his assortment of feathers—there were also a myriad of scars across his face, rivaling the pockmarked visage of her own. His eyes were strange and bi-colored, one eye an entirely different shade than the other. It was eerie and unearthly, though she supposed it was less gruesome than the hole in her own head. "Go ahead, make yourself at home," she said somewhat caustically, her coal ears pricked forward. "Who are you and why are you on Inferni's territory?" she asked, clearly not happy. These were war times—trespassers needed to be regarded with extreme suspicion, no matter their apparent coyote heritage.

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